In 2013, Nature’s DNA was established.  Nature’s DNA Turf and Tree Care Inc. is licensed and insured to provide a variety of specialty lawn and tree care services.  Such services include, but are not limited to: custom lawn programs, disease control, plant health care, deep root fertilization and tick & mosquito control.

Plant health care

Plant health care program involves monitoring, diagnosing, and treating your ornamental trees and shrubs to prevent and treat pest damage. This is done at routine intervals throughout the growing season. 

Custom lawn programs

We offer both natural organic programs and traditional services, customized to suit your unique property needs. We carefully utilize products based on their level of efficacy, least possible toxicity and environmental impact.

Tick and mosquito control

Nature’s DNA provides both tick and mosquito control. We can create a strategy to help eradicate existing tick infestations and prevent new colonies from forming in your yard by implementing an effective barrier treatment that eliminates ticks before they can harm you and your family.

Aeration and over-seeding

Aeration is crucial to improve soil drainage, improve air exchange between the soil and atmosphere, improve air flow in order to maintain a stable root structure, reduced soil compaction, enhance soil water uptake, and Improve fertilizer uptake and use. Core aeration can help make your lawn healthier and reduce it's maintenance requirements through these means.

Top dressing

Top dressing has benefits that are so numerous, it is hard to understand why top dressing is not the foundation for every lawn care program. As a soil amendment, top dressing can improve soil biology by adding organic matter and the beneficial microorganisms found in compost. Soil structure and drainage can be modified by top dressing with sand or other corrective materials.  Top dressing reduces lawn stresses, helps keep thatch under control, and acts as a long-term natural fertilizer. Adding organic matter to a lawn by top dressing with compost, is arguably the most beneficial cultural practice that the science of lawn care has to offer.

Deep root fertilization

This deep root fertilization applied in the spring provides dormant trees and shrubs with a balanced blend of nutrients, to prepare them for the harsh summer months. It is formulated with our slow-release blend of essential micro and macro nutrients as well as root stimulant. This is performed on ornamental trees and shrubs.

Air Spading

Excess soil or other materials around the base can lead to decay, pathogen entry, girdling roots, or other serious concerns. The air spade uses compressed air to remove and break up hard compacted soil without damaging delicate roots.

Disease Control

Fungus and disease does not come out of nowhere, and is usually a sign of not giving your turf the proper care and maintenance that it needs. There is no one reason that can bring about fungus, but disease and fungus can develop from a combination of different causes like: overwatering, using the wrong type of fertilizer, not mowing properly, and more. Fungicide is used to eliminate leaf spot, dollar spot, red thread, patch diseases, and snow mold.